About ITU-T SG16
About ITU-T SG16

Study Group 16 leads ITU’s standardization work on multimedia coding, systems and applications, including the coordination of related studies across the various ITU-T SGs. It is also the lead study group on ubiquitous and Internet of Things (IoT) applications; telecommunication/ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities; intelligent transport system (ITS) communications; e-health; and Internet Protocol television (IPTV).

SG16's unique interleaving of all professional media coding work and well-known standards in ITU-T,refereed by SG16 approved international panels, has a significant impact on the develpment of standardized digital signage systems.
  • DAYS
Key Dates
October 16-27, 2017 

Online Registration Deadline
October 27, 2017

On-site Registration Date 
October 15, 2017